Two Military Sisters Inseparable In A Tight Hug After A Year Of Being Apart


These two military sisters obviously, missed each other a lot. When they were reunited, they were instantly in each others' arms. No one, it seemed, could take them apart after a year of being away from one another.

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Bravery must have been in the DNA of their family. The first one enlisted in the army, the other one in the Air Force.

But, things got pretty exciting days before Thanksgiving. One of them paid a surprise visit to the other, and a flood of emotions rushed through when they met.


This unforgettable, heartwarming moment was captured on video. The sissies tightly embraced each other, and apparently, absence made their hearts fonder.

I could imagine how people during the meet-up were feeling. They could have also longed for their siblings back home. This also showed how closely knit their relationship is as sisters.

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They say that "sisters are the best friends in the world." They know our secrets, pet peeves, and even what buttons to push to make us do certain things. Siblings are great blessings. They make our world a bit nicer and rosier each day.

