The Column - Normal and Abnormal Curves


In this article, titled "La Columna - Curvas Normales y Anormales" (The Spine - Normal and Abnormal Curves), the focus is on discussing the different types of spinal curves that can be present in individuals. The article explains that the spine normally has three curves: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, which help with balance, support, and flexibility. However, abnormalities in these curves can lead to health issues such as back pain, poor posture, and reduced range of motion.

The article emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper spinal alignment through exercises, stretches, and good posture habits to prevent abnormal curvatures from developing.


It also highlights the significance of seeking medical attention if symptoms of abnormal spinal curves are present, as untreated conditions can worsen over time and lead to more serious complications. Overall, the article serves as a guide for readers to understand the significance of normal and abnormal spinal curves and how to maintain a healthy spine for overall well-being.

