5 Exercises for Lower Back Pain


This article offers five exercises to help relieve lower back pain, also known as lumbalgia. The exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles in the lower back and improve flexibility in the spine. The first exercise is the pelvic tilt, which helps to engage the core muscles and support the lower back. The second exercise is the cat-cow stretch, which helps to improve mobility in the spine. The third exercise is the child's pose, which stretches the lower back and promotes relaxation. The fourth exercise is the knee-to-chest stretch, which helps to alleviate tension in the lower back. The fifth exercise is the bridge, which strengthens the muscles in the lower back and hips. These exercises can be done at home and are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. By incorporating these exercises into a daily routine, individuals suffering from lumbalgia can experience relief and improve their overall back health.

